MCA Gymnastics

Session 4: March 10 – May 10, 2025

Facility Closed: 4/14-4/19

Session 4  

First come, first serve. All classes require a non refundable $25 deposit to hold a spot.


Pre – School Classes

Teeny Tumblers (walking – 2 years):

An interactive free parent child class that allows the parent (caregiver, family member) to bond with the child thru active play and music. We will introduce your child to running, jumping, climbing and swinging in a fun environment.

Tiny Tumblers (2 Years – 3 Years):
A parent child class that offers parent (caregiver, family member) and child an opportunity to bond thru active play, while learning motor skills, environment awareness and socializing with other children. Music, singing, circle time and props are used to help learn gross motor skills and get children used to following directions. There will also be time for Gymnastics Center exploration.

Lil’ Swingers (3 Years – 4 years):
Students will work on basic gymnastics skills on each piece of equipment, taking turns, gross motor skills, and introductory games in a semi-structured class setting.

Little Level 1 (4 years – 5 years):
Youth will work on basic gymnastics skills on each piece of equipment are introduced in a structured class setting. Games, conditioning and strength training, independent activities, games and fun are all incorporated into this class. Youth are introduced to new skills based on strengths and abilities.

Instructional Classes

Level 1 (6 and up)
Skills on each piece of equipment are introduced and mastered in a structured class setting. Games, conditioning and strength training, independent activities, games and fun are all incorporated into this class. Youth are introduced to new skills based on strengths and abilities.

Level 2 (Instructors Permission Required)
Youth must have instructor’s permission for this class. Advanced skills training taught, working independently, and team work are all incorporated in a fun atmosphere.

Boys Fun Class (6 and Up)
Boys can release some of that pent-up energy in a class that is centered around strength training, balance and fun cardio. Our goal with this class is to send them home tired.

Pre – Competitive Classes

Advanced 2 (Instructors Permission Required):
Youth must have an instructor’s permission to move to this level and have completed Level 2. Advanced skills are taught and mastered on each piece of equipment; these skills are built on the skills learned in Level 2. Conditioning, flexibility, strength training, working independently, and team work are all incorporated in a fun atmosphere. This is a pre – competitive level of gymnastics and students will be taught routines.

Cheer Tumbling Classes

Cheer – Ages 12 and Up (1.5 hours)

This athlete-centered class allows each participant to focus on the skills at their particular level. Once basic skills are mastered, more advanced floor skills (such as back handsprings) are then focused on. Flexibility, conditioning and strength training are all incorporated in this class.